Confusion between Artificial Intelligence and digitisation at work Ignorance or blind trust?

May 13, 2020

AI is currently largely integrated into the production processes of products/services. Its adoption is not in question. While functional and economic benefits are considered, the impact on employees is not discussed. In 2018, we conducted 62 semi-directive interviews with employees working in French-speaking Switzerland. Our respondents are optimistic and do not fear that their expertise will be replaced by even intelligent robots. The negative impacts could therefore generate cognitive dissonance that could lead to human risks. It is disturbing to note that the implementation of AI and other digitisation technologies is managed as if it were a computer upgrade. When this does not work, the employees involved must take charge of the problems and their resolution, without being prepared or having the necessary resources.

  • 2020 – 1, n° 9. varia
  • Authors: Dubosson (Magali), Fragnière (Emmanuel), Rochat (Denis), Sitten (Marshall), Berdeaux (Eric)

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