Five key steps to getting GDPR-ready

January 8, 2018

The GDPR deadline of 25 May is looming large for many organisations.

A great number have yet to start on getting GDPR-ready in any meaningful sense, and there is a feeling that many are burying their heads in the sand about the best course of action to take.  

This was highlighted in a recent survey (December 2017) of 400 European business leaders by the European Business Awards. The research revealed that an astonishing 92% of organisations are not yet ready for GDPR, while 28 per cent of those surveyed were completely unaware of the regulation that they will have to adhere to. 

We all know the possible penalties for failing to comply with GDPR, and the EU has been pretty clear for a long time now on exactly what is required to be compliant with GDPR, so there can be no excuses. Yet although GDPR is a major piece of legislation, it is more than possible for an organisation to be ready within 90 days, provided they don’t panic.Here’s what to if your business has yet to get started with its GDPR requirements.