What are the main risks facing the Middle East and North Africa?

April 23, 2019

It’s clear to anyone that works in risk management, that it is harder than ever to manage and mitigate risk. The risk landscape in 2019 is increasingly complex and interconnected, and risks are no longer constrained by borders or bound by industries as they once were.

Global forces and global risks shape what happen at a regional level. We have previously made the argument that the Chief Risk Officer has become the most important role in an organisation and that is as true for organisations in Africa and the Middle East as it is for companies in the US, Europe and Asia.

Africa is a continent that Oxial understands particularly well. Earlier this year our risk experts participated in the Dakar Conference looking at managing risk in the digital age, while our partnership with BDO Morocco helps ensure African businesses are 100% compliant with global and local requirements.

What are the biggest risks facing the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and what can organisations do to manage and mitigate those risks?