Nearly three in 10 organisations still not GDPR-ready…is your firm one of them?

September 26, 2018

More than three months on from the deadline of 25 May to be compliant with the European Union’s (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), new research has revealed that 28% of organisations do not feel completely compliant.

This idea of a number of European businesses not being GDPR-ready was highlighted further in the research conducted at Infosecurity Europe by security firm Imperva, with nearly one-fifth of respondents not confident that they will pass their initial GDPR audit.

With the consequences for failing to comply with GDPR including large financial penalties, risk of cyber crime, long-term brand implications and much more, it is surprising to see firms still not prepared. With a number of EU member states beginning to enshrine GDPR principles in their individual national data protection legislation, the consequences are only going to get more severe.